The Crab with Knife NFT Collection

The Crab with Knife collection of NFTs is a unique digital collectible,
Giving you access to the Crab with Knife Army.

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Minting Soon

About us

NFT Preview

Join the army with a crab with knife NFT and be eligible to receive an airdrop of the soon-to-be-launched, crab with knife community-based meme coin token, $CLAW.

To honor the OG NFT and Meme coin token on Cronos-chain, you will also receive a complimentary airdrop of $CAW token as a thank you, to the ‘crow with knife’ team and community for pathing the way for the crab with knife army

Our Story

Our story starts with a crow with a knife who had learned more than 100 words and 50 sentences, who inspired a crab with a knife to try and try and learn some words and sentences, unfortunately, the crab could not learn any words or sentences like the crow, so the crab decided to create a club for other crabs with knives set on one goal, to conquer the world of NFTs, Meme Coins and Web 3 Gaming


Our Team

King Crab

Our leader


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